Monday 19 January 2009

Paris - the city of good air quality

Despite its large population and horendous traffic, Paris has very good air quality. The secret lies in the magnificent work of Georges-Eugène Haussmann. He was a lawyer, public servant, politician, French administrator, and was appointed mayor of Paris by Napoleon III. He had the title of Baron. He was a great remodelor of Paris, taking care of the planning of the city for 17 years, with the collaboration of the best architects and engineers of Paris. Haussmann planned a new city, improving the Parisian parks and creating others, building more public buildings, such as L'Opéra. He also improved the water distribution system and created the vast network of sewers, and in 186l he started the installation of sewers between Les Halles and La Villette, supervised by engineer Belgrand.

Apesar da sua grande população e do enorme trânsito rodoviário, Paris tem uma qualidade de ar muito boa. O segredo está na magnífica obra de Georges-Eugène Haussmann. Foi um advogado, funcionário público, político e administrador francês. Nomeado prefeito de Paris por Napoleão III. Tinha do título de Barão. Foi o grande remodelador de Paris, cuidando do planejamento da cidade, durante 17 anos, com a colaboração dos melhores arquitetos e engenheiros de Paris. Haussmann planejou uma nova cidade, melhorando os parques parisienses e criando outros, construindo vários edifícios públicos, como a L’Opéra. Melhorou também o sistema de distribuição de água e criou a grande rede de esgotos, quando em 186l iniciou a instalação dos esgotos entre La Villette e Les Halles, supervisionada pelo engenheiro Belgrand.
In all of the major avenues (Boulevards) there are gardens or trees. Besides the big parks, there are trees on the pavement in the streets. It sets an example for all major cities and is justified by the millions of tourists that visit Paris every year.

Em todas as pontas das grandes avenidas (Boulevards) existem jardins ou árvores. Além dos grandes parques há árvores nos passeios das ruas. É um exemplo para todas as grandes cidades bem justificado pelos milhões de turistas que, anualmente, visitam Paris.


Sharath Patil said...

All I can say is, WOW! You guys have done an amazing job of capturing the essence of Paris and of French attitude towards the environment. Just out of curiousity, is it your guys' job to travel 'round the world and take pictures, or is it simply your hobby. Because, if u r doing this for fun, it must be very hard to travel so much! Anway, keep up the good work. And keep on brainwashing people to agree with ur very, very correct way-of-thinking.

Jrosa said...

Thank you for your kind words. It's a hobby, we take photos from the places we love, without spending too much money. It's not hard and it's a lovely way to spend our vacances.
Best Regards,

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